Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Udi's new dinner rolls!

Now here this!!

Isn't this what we have all been waiting for?! I am so excited to find these and try them! It is like icing on the cake for dinner - dinner feels more complete! Now, I don't think every dinner should have a roll with it, remember that variety is best for a healthy diet but, for sharing a dinner with guests and for holidays with family and friends, the dinner rolls are a treat that I have been missing! I had a perfect spread laid out for my first Thanksgiving dinner but we ended up using regular sliced bread from Udi's which was a little anti-climatic. I am excited to get these in Alaska and share them with my support group, family and friends!

For the real, complete announcement from Udi's click on their blog link - Udi's blog

Here are the photos that were released:

Udi's Gluten-Free Classic French Dinner Rolls. These look so good, I bet no one will know they are gluten free!

Gluten Free Classic French Dinner Rolls 

and not to be outdone . . .

Gluten-Free Whole Grain Seeded Dinner Rolls. They are just as delicious as their Classic French Dinner Rolls, they just happen to be more nutritious. Definitely a plus! These rolls are loaded with healthy chia, sunflower, and flax seeds. Perfect for lunch as well! I plan on using them with spreads of meat, cheese, and condiments for one of my meetings! So YUMMY!
Gluten Free Whole Grain Seeded Dinner Rolls

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